28 February, 2020
- By Eugene

The 20 benefits of travel insurance

1. Overseas emergency medical assistance

24 hour cover for medical evacuations, ambulances, funeral arrangements and more.

2. Overseas emergency medical and hospital costs

If you need to go to hospital suddenly because of injury or illness you’re covered for hospital stays, surgery, and emergency dental treatment.

3. Accommodation and travel expenses

If you’re sick or injured and can’t get home, travel insurance will cover your unforeseen additional accommodation and travel costs.

4. Family emergency

You’re covered for your unexpected travel expenses if a close relative, or the person you’re travelling with dies unexpectedly, or is disabled or injured and needs to be hospitalised.* Find out more about family emergencies here.

5. Cover for your travelling companion

If your travelling companion can no longer continue with their holiday because of injury or illness, any unforeseen accommodation or travel expenses would be reimbursed by travel insurance.

6. Resumption of journey

If you need to return home because of a death in the family, or severe sickness that requires a hospital stay and they are a close family member, your flights will be covered to get you home.*

7. Hospital cash allowance

An amount you’ll be given per day if you’re hospitalised for more than 2 days overseas.*

8. Accidental death

If you die within 12 months of your trip because of an injury you experienced during your holiday, a death payment is offered.

9. Permanent disability

If you lose your sight, or any of your limbs while on holiday, a disability payment will be paid to you for at least 12 months after you return home.

###10. Loss of income If you're injured during your trip and can no longer work, you’ll be paid a loss of income benefit for a set period of time.

11. Credit Card fraud and replacement

You’ll be reimbursed for any costs to replace your credit cards, or for any fraudulent use, if they are lost or stolen on your trip.

12. Theft of cash, travellers cheques and travel documents

You’ll be reimbursed for any costs to replace your passport, travel documents or travellers cheques if they are lost or stolen on your trip. And if your cash is stolen - you’re covered.

13. Luggage, personal effects and delays

You’re covered if your things are lost or stolen during your trip. If your luggage is delayed more than 12 hours and you need to buy some clothes, travel insurance will reimburse these costs – in moderation. You can’t go buying a Gucci handbag and claim that on your travel insurance for example!

14. Cancellation fees and lost deposits

You’re covered for any cancellation fees and lost deposits for your pre-paid travel arrangements if you cannot make your flights or planned accommodation due to circumstances out of your control such as sickness, injuries, strikes or natural disasters. Understand cancellation cover fully to know when you're covered.

15. Disruption of your journey

If your flight is delayed for more than 6 hours, your food and any unforeseen accommodation you might need to pay for will be reimbursed.

16. Alternative transport

If you incur delay and cannot make a pre-planned event such as a wedding, funeral, conference or any pre-paid tour your alternative transport expenses will be paid for by your travel insurance.

17. Personal liability

Cover for legal liability including legal expenses for bodily injuries or damage to property of other persons as a result of a claim made against you.

18. Domestic Pets

If you’re delayed returning home from your holiday and have a dog or cat being looked after, travel insurance will cover the additional kennel or cattery fees. Also if your pet is injured while you’re away, your vets bills are covered too. How awesome is that?

19. Domestic services

Some insurers even offer housekeeping services if you’re injured or disabled when you return home.

20. Rental vehicle excess

If you hire a car on holiday and it’s stolen, or you have an accident, travel insurance will pay for the rental vehicle excess which could be anything up to $5,000! Learn more about how to save on your car rental vehicle excess.

*like all insurance policies there are restrictions and exclusions to each of the benefits, always read the PDS carefully for complete details of what your policy offers.

Each policy will vary from insurer to insurer. These 20 benefits are a representation of the typical benefits offered by Australian travel insurers.

Eugene Wylde

Eugene Wylde

Eugene is the king of insurance! Having spent more than ten years raising awareness on the importance of holiday protection, he is a self-confessed insurance geek extraordinaire when it comes to the world of travel cover. Eugene loves helping people save time, worry and loads of money with the right policy at the right price. His ideal holiday is any one where he has a pina colada in his hand. Salut!