The secret’s out: Aussies love a good getaway, and with remote work here to stay, a growing number of workers are taking their job on vacation, with management none the wiser.

For a growing number of Aussies, the freedom to work remotely has been game changing. Whether it’s at the office or at home, statistics say that those with hybrid or remote work report greater happiness levels and are more productive than their in-office peers. Increased flexibility has also given rise to the workcation - the ability to work while away from home.

According to Natalie Ball, Managing Director of the workcation is here to stay.

“With revenge travel on the rise, more and more travellers are sneaking leisure into their business trips and blurring the lines between work and play. We’ve seen a shift towards ‘workcations’, for example, through a rise in longer trip durations and an increase in cover for high value items such as laptops and electronics.”

By plugging in during office hours and optimising evenings and weekends, employees really can get the best of both worlds. But what if HR doesn’t agree?

Enter the ‘hush trip’- or the ultimate workaround.

By taking a hush trip, workers can travel and explore new locations, all while on the job and without telling their employer. Whether it’s an extended long weekend (with a ‘work’ Friday or Monday) or a few weeks away, the hush trip is said to provide the perfect antidote to remote work burnout while enhancing one’s mental and physical wellbeing.

Who’s taking a hush trip?

According to new survey results, nearly half of employees wouldn’t share their workcation plans with their employer.

A recent poll by found that up to 48% of remote workers hush trip, while a further 22% said they would only confess their remote working travel plans if it was a requirement to do so. Only 8% said they would feel ‘uncomfortable’ working remotely in an undisclosed setting.

Natalie Ball says that while a getaway can do wonders for workers, the hush trip has its risks.

“It’s clear from our survey results that workers are maximising their flexible working arrangements. Time away can certainly enrich and enhance one’s wellbeing. However, the fact that employees are not being upfront with their bosses can pose complications.”

Ball cautions that while keeping quiet about your travel plans may not seem like a big deal if you’re getting your work done, it can negatively impact your working relationships.

“If word gets out, the consequence of not sharing your location with your employer could sever trust between you and your manager. There may also be legal ramifications if employees work abroad without the consent of their boss and without travel insurance, the appropriate visa, or a work permit. Being honest and upfront with your boss is the simpler choice.”

There can also be security concerns if you are using a company-issued computer on an unsecured network.

Noel Allnutt, cyber security expert and Managing Director of Sekuro says these risks are ‘real’.

“By its very nature, remote work moves system access and data outside of conventional enterprise perimeters. Travellers can unwittingly put an entire company’s security at risk if they haven’t adequately secured their devices.”

Ball says that with work from home policies here to stay, workcations should be planned with intent.

“Travel is fun, and a change of scene can spark inspiration, innovation and increase productivity. On the other hand, the hush trip phenomenon can indeed spark resentment and distrust in colleagues and higher-ups. If you are planning a workcation, we recommend that you be upfront as most employers do not unreasonably deny time away.”

Ball also notes that while there is still room for the traditional getaway, a workcation can be equally beneficial when everyone is on board.

“It’s important not to let workcations replace actual holidays, but if there is an opportunity for you to fulfil your professional duties whilst spending meaningful time with family and friends, talk to your manager. ”

Tips for the ultimate workcation

-Consider travel insurance: even if you are only headed interstate, a domestic travel insurance policy could save you a headache should your laptop go missing or a weather event affect your travel plans. In some cases, however, you’d need to be more than 50km from home for your travel insurance to kick in, so check your policy before you go.

-Check your equipment: make sure you have adequate IT support that can help should you have any technical issues. Consider security risks and a back-up plan should your Wi-Fi drop out.

-Set a routine: having a clear outline for each day is essential for making the most of your workcation. if you’re overseas on a different time-zone, make sure you adjust your schedule accordingly.

-Take regular breaks: Ensure you’ve left some space in your schedule to get out and explore your surroundings. There’s no point taking a workcation if you can’t enjoy the destination. Did someone say lunchtime swim?

Finally, Ball surmises, "Your employer is unlikely to be phased by you working from an unknown location for a day or two, but working from a new location unannounced, for an extended period, could have potentially significant consequences. Trip transparency is the best policy.”